
Name: Karanzine
Issues: 8
Pages: 16 including cover
Publisher Pressure Press
Roles Editor, koordinator, designer, artist and curator
Category Curatorial, Publishing

Contributors Sunniva Krogseth, Sigurd Didriksen Bjorli, Nina Salamat, Henrik Dyb Zwart, Mabell Holand, Mariel Nkechi Sand Nwosu, Leah Håland Solomons, Kjersti Synneva Moen, Ane Krogseth, Tord Ketilson Øverland, Kristine Lie Øverland, Sunniva Hestenes, Kristin Stubberud, Kristin Sunde, Sunniva Mellbye, Marie Payan, Ole Erik Løvold, Selam Kidane, Julie Aida, Ayca Lingaas, Nada Tosinovic, Winther, Samra Avdagic, Jonathan Vivaas Kise, Ronja Penzo, Martine Eid, Chris Aadland, Marthe Thu, Chika, Same Samhaar Yassin, Andreas Bjørseth, Ragnhild Bjørnebye Nes, Ina G. Finnekås, Einar Stabenfeldt, Jibril Lateef and Brian Cliff Olguin.

#1 Sunniva Krogseth
#2 Marie Payan
#3 Julie Lauritzen
#4 Julie Aida
#5 Ina Finnekås
#6 Einar Stabenfeldt
#7 Samra Avdagic
#8 Sunniva Hestenes (front) / Marie Payan (back)

Karanzine was a free, anti-digital and visual magazine in zine format. The fanzine is based on the current life in lockdown through the first year of the pandemic in Norway, and comments on life through text, photos and other print-based expressions.

Each zine, with a circulation of between 50-75 copies per issue, was curated, designed and handmade by Julie Lauritzen. Due to the lockdown and quarantines, all communication, development and delivery of works was done digitally. To keep production as safe as possible within infection control, each zine was therefore curated, designed, printed, bound and distributed from Lauritzen's home studio in Oslo.

A total of eight editions were produced from April to December 2020, in collaboration with a total of 40 contributors.

Remaining issues of Karanzine can be purchased at Oppland Art Center in Lillehammer, Norway.