My Neighbour Jozsef Franko
Year 2015
Category Photography, artist book
Publisher Self-Published
Binding: By hand
Pages: 46
Size: 21×14.8 cm
Binding: Softcover
Book documentation: Antenne Books
In a large city like London it is quite rare to know one's neighbours. People rush from home, to work and the pub without saying more than a ‘hello’, if that. Since moving to London I had been curious about the next-door neighbours, and it wasn’t until I met the protagonist of this story that I allowed myself to enter his world.
Taken from the book My neighbour Jozsef Franko these images delve into the world of the 88 year old Hungarian that lived next door to me in West-Harrow. In 2013 when this project was developing I had known Jozsef for 138 days, within that time he read my palm 32 times and allowed me into the sanctuary of his home, as well as his mind.
Using his own words, Jozsef guides the reader through the book and his long life. He tells about his escape from his home country of Hungary during World War II and shares what makes up his world, circulating within a small radius around Harrow.